Centova Cast V 3 AutoDJ

Here you can find useful information about Centova Cast v3 Auto DJ. Enable and configure Auto DJ, upload your MP3s. Web based Uploads, FTP Uploads.
SHOUTcast v2 and ICEcast be switched automatically form autoDJ to live broadcast and vice versa, so for SHOUTcast v2 and ICEcast there is no need to disable-enable or stop-start your AutoDJ.

a) Upload MP3s to Server with File Manager:

 - Login to Centova Cast V3 Control Panel:

1. At Server click "Stop" (If your Streaming Server is up and running).

2. At Configuration  click "Settings" > "AutoDJ" > At AutoDJ status: choose "Enabled" > click "Update" to save.

3. At AutoDJ click "Files", at bottom of the new window click "Upload" button 

and use the "File Manager" to upload your MP3s into "media" folder

at right bottom click the "Disk usage" icon to update your Disk usage

at left bottom click "Return" button.

4. At AutoDJ click  "Media", at new window Drag and Drop songs to "Heavy Rotation" 

at left bottom click "Return" button.

5. At Server click "Start".



b) Upload MP3s to Server with an FTP client:

Use FileZilla to upload mp3s into "MEDIA" folder (IMPORTANT!!! into "MEDIA" FOLDER only).

Don't delete folders and upload MP3s into "MEDIA" folder only.

 - Here you can download FileZilla:


 - Here is a tutorial on how to use FileZilla:


 - At Filezilla use:

Host: Server IP, same with the one you use at your live streaming software.

Username: Centova Cast Control Panel Username.

Password: Centova Cast Control Panel Administrator Password.

Port: Centova Cast FTP Port.

FTP Client Connections info, into your Centova Cast control panel at the bottom of the page "Quick Links"


 - Login to Centova Cast V3 Control Panel:

1. At Server click "Stop" (If your Streaming Server is up and running).

2. At Configuration  click "Settings" > "AutoDJ" > At AutoDJ status: choose "Enabled" > click "Update" to save.

3. At AutoDJ click "Files", at right bottom of the new window click 

the "Disk usage" icon to update your Disk usage

at left bottom click "Return" button.

4. At AutoDJ click  "Media", at new window at upper right click "Options" button > Manual library update 

Drag and Drop songs to "Heavy Rotation" 

at left bottom click "Return" button.

5. At Server click "Start".

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