With HS services's email forwarding service, you can create email addresses for your domains and forward them to any other valid email address. You can also add a "catch-all" address that will forward any mail sent to your domain that does not have a valid e-mail address to an e-mail address of your choice.
name1@yourdomain.com to name2@anotherdomain.com
- If an e-mail is sent to name1@yourdomain.com
it will forward to name2@anotherdomain.com.
name3@yourdomain.com to name4@anotherdomain.com
- If an e-mail is sent to name3@yourdomain.com
it will forward to name4@anotherdomain.com.
- If an e-mail is sent to ghfhg@yourdomain.com
(or any other invalid address at your domain)
it will forward to name5@anotherdomain.com.